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Grow & Glow Career

The Secret to Making Your Job Search More Proactive

Passive job search methods are time-consuming and fruitless. You browse through job boards, respond to advertisements for open positions, interview (though not always), and wait around in hopes of hearing back from the human resources departments - but this is all passive because there's no strategy behind it! And while some may say that being proactive means just doing what one would already do; going on interviews or reaching out via email isn't enough if your goal is employment by tomorrow--you have got to put together an arsenal before battle begins so check these ways how:

80% of job openings don't get advertised? That's a lot! But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can target your top priorities and find the perfect position for you with some research - all from one simple question: Where do YOU want work? Then target them.

young professional wall climbing looking far away

Use these Job Search strategies:

1. Research companies.

Explore organizations that interest you. Visit company websites to read about their products, services, and staff. Subscribe to industry publications and read the business section of major newspapers.

2. Seek referrals.

Use your personal network and LinkedIn to discover who you know inside the organization or someone who can make introductions for you. Tapping an insider can help you find out more about current activities and the hiring process.

Young recent college grad at his first interview smiling

3. Conduct information interviews.

Focus on gathering information instead of rushing to get a job offer. Many contacts will be more receptive to sharing knowledge rather than discussing an immediate position.

4. Multiply your options.

Broaden your vision. Having multiple job leads will help you stay motivated and make sounder decisions.

5. Try contract work.

Even if a full-time position is your ultimate objective, you can use temporary positions or contract work to gain valuable experience. You'll also get a first-hand look at a potential workplace before making a longer commitment.

6. Volunteer your services.

Community service is an excellent way to broaden your network and discover job leads. Contact charities that interest you and mingle with the staff, board, and other volunteers.

How to Be Proactive about Pursuing Job Opportunities:

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Be Proactive to Accomplish Job Goals

There are many ways to stand out in the job hunt, but one of them is by being proactive and initiating contact with companies that interest you. The hiring process allows for opportunities not just once but multiple times over which can really shine new light on your skillset or passion project- let's take this opportunity!

You'll be able show how enthusiastic and skilled you are. Not to mention you'll stand out from the competition if you initiate contact with companies that interest you.

Try these techniques:

1. Be tactful.

You can be polite and persistent about following up. Follow application instructions and avoid leaving multiple messages so you come across as confident rather than overzealous.

2. Confirm details.

Some employers will appreciate an effort to confirm an application or interview. Unless the company requests otherwise, make it a policy to follow up and ask about the next step.

3. Ask informed questions.

Take full advantage of interviews or any continuing conversations. Have a written list of relevant questions that will help you to understand the position and showcase your worth.

4. Articulate your value.

Play an active role in interviews. Guide the discussion towards your unique abilities and the specific contribution you can make. Highlight your past achievements and show how you can help your next employer reach their goals.

employer holding up a thank you card send by a candidate.

5. Express your appreciation.

Remember to send thank you notes or make a follow up call after each contact. Let others know that you are grateful for their time and consideration.

6. Stay in touch.

Work at developing and sustaining relationships. Even if an interview doesn't end with a job offer, it may be worth reaching out once in a while to monitor future needs or ask for other suggestions.

If you want to take your job search up a notch, it’s time to start thinking proactively. This means using a broader range of resources and being more strategic in your approach. Using the tips we’ve shared in this post; you can make a positive impression on potential employers and find more opportunities. Need extra career support? Check out our career coaching services - we can help you take your job search to the next level!


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